Why is the tech industry so unfriendly to women?

  • March 23, 2014

Darling of the software industry Github is now facing a scandal after a top developer and so-called “Queen of Github” Julie Ann Horvath stepped down, claiming she had been pushed over the edge by gender discrimination in the workplace. Her experience is certainly not uncommon and raises larger questions about the tech industry, its larger community, and its dearth of women. 

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On Internet’s 25th birthday, we’re at risk of losing it

  • March 13, 2014

Today, the World Wide Web turns 25 years old. In that time, it has made over the basic human experience more profoundly and rapidly than anything we have ever known. More than just a monolithic revolution, the Internet had been a gateway for large-scale corporate communication and optimization. Later, it became a general consumer’s dream, a wealth of information and amusement. More recently, it has led us to the point where the Internet is accessed more by mobile devices than it is by laptops and desktops.

What if the next step in this information revolution is that the Internet becomes a venture that is corporate-run and world governments’ main tool for spying and control?

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